
Google Maps moves Timeline history to your device

Google announced a change in the Timeline feature of Google Maps.

Google Maps Timeline
Google Maps Timeline

The Timeline feature, in the past called "Location History", allows you to go back in time on Google Maps and see your past locations. The feature is disabled by default, but once enabled, you can select a specific day or a date range and see where you've been. Timeline also shows the distances completed within the selected range.

The data of the previous locations have always been stored in the Cloud. But this is now going to change, according to Google ("Timeline is changing"). The history data will be migrated from the Cloud into your Smartphone.

Google Maps Timeline change
Google Maps Timeline change

The notification mentions the settings inside Google Maps (on your Smartphone) need to be adjusted by May 18th 2025.

This is how you do it: When you open Google Maps on your Smartphone, tap on your user icon and then select "Timeline". The Google Maps app should then ask you to move the timeline data to your phone.

Watch out: By default the data retention is set to 3 months! If you want to keep all history, select the option "Keep until you delete" instead.

With a tap on "Keep on" you will move the Timeline data from the Cloud to your device.

Claudio Kuenzler
Claudio has been writing way over 1000 articles on his own blog since 2008 already. He is fascinated by technology, especially Open Source Software. As a Senior Systems Engineer he has seen and solved a lot of problems - and writes about them.

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