KubeCon Europe 2022
Feria Valencia Av. de les Fires, ValènciaThe Cloud Native Computing Foundation’s flagship conference gathers adopters and technologists from leading open source and cloud native communities in Valencia, Spain from May 17 – 20, 2022. Join containerd, CoreDNS, Envoy, etcd, Fluentd, Harbor, Helm, Jaeger, Kubernetes, Open Policy Agent, Prometheus, Rook, TiKV, TUF, Vitess, Argo, Buildpacks, CloudEvents, CNI, Contour, Cortex, CRI-O, Dragonfly, Falco, Flux, gRPC, KubeEdge, Linkerd, NATS, Notary, OpenTracing, Operator Framework, SPIFFE, SPIRE, and Thanos as the community gathers for four days to further the education and advancement of cloud native computing. In-person attendees will be required to be fully vaccinated against the COVID-19 virus and wear a mask […]