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KubeCon North America 2021

Los Angeles Convention Center 1201 S Figueroa St, Los Angeles

The Cloud Native Computing Foundation’s flagship conference gathers adopters and technologists from leading open source and cloud native communities from October 11-15, 2021. Join containerd, CoreDNS, Envoy, etcd, Fluentd, Harbor, Helm, Jaeger, Kubernetes, Open Policy Agent, Prometheus, Rook, TiKV, TUF, Vitess, Argo, Buildpacks, CloudEvents, CNI, Contour, Cortex, CRI-O, Dragonfly, Falco, Flux, gRPC, KubeEdge, Linkerd, NATS, Notary, OpenTracing, Operator Framework, SPIFFE, SPIRE, and Thanos as the community gathers for four days to further the education and advancement of cloud native computing. Monday, October 11 and Tuesday, October 12 are our Pre-Event Programming days and will be to host co-located events – all of […]

Longhorn PHP 2021

Holiday Inn Austin 6000 Middle Fiskville Rd, Austin

Longhorn PHP is a tech conference brought to you by members of the PHP community in Austin and beyond. Longhorn PHP is a community-run, regionally focused conference. This will be the third year putting on this event.

